Thursday, March 20, 2008

understand it

Did you understand what it is?I dont understand what it is.If you understand what it is.Send me what it is in my email address I type questions like this picture.I think it is curved so that people are standing like this.So please send what it is!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


This is a volcano in Morocco.It's name is Haut Atlas Mountains.It is in Africa.Volcano is a mountain which emits fire for 15minutes,We think that it is only for 15minutes but it is very dangerous.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


This is my dog blacky.I put an photo of an other dog and that is not my dog.This is my dog blacky.It barks when it see some insects & animals.It do not barks when a person came.It barks when he goes.It is a breed of Alsatian.I like it very much.When we was taking photo we only got this photo as good.It do not like water to drink.It want milk.If we give water it do not drink it.It will give a kick to the plate.It's very intresting to play with it.It's body is dog's and it's brain is of a donkey.It do not like other dogs,it likes only you.

Friday, March 14, 2008


This is a photo of a disaster tsunami.This become in 2004,It is very dangerous.The water in the sea jump about the height of a tree.Many people die in this disaster. There are camps for the people in government schools.Many people are in every schools.When it come some people tell that it will come in 2008.I will pray for it not come in.TSUNAMI.


Kerala the god's own country is very famous in kadhakali.Many tourists come in kerala to see kadhakali.Tourists like kadhakali very much.There are several characters in kadhakali,They names are pacha,katti,kari,tadi&minuke.Pacha are given for good characters.Katti,kari&tadi are given for bad characters.Minuke are given for womens.Here you can see some pictures of kadhakali.If you want more pictures logon to

Thursday, March 13, 2008


This is a foundation in AUSTRALIA.I am not an AUSTRALIAN so I don't know the city.I got it from Google when I type beautiful foundation.How is it?FOUNTATIAN.


I got this photo from google.I typed under sea then I got so many pictures.From that I only liked this.This is not under sea then how it came there!I think it is a water zoo.There are dolphins in a big glass box.Then how there are big rocks.If you know that please send me a commet.

About me

Hello freinds,
I am a boy studiying in 6thstandard.I dont know about blog clearly but I start blogging.Please visit me when you have time.


Hai this is not my dog but I put photo of it because I like it very much.This is a picture of rott wieler.It has no tail.this dog born about 65 days.But when we see it orginally we think it has 1/2years.It is very cute.It's like you(who ever who watch it).